Friday, April 6, 2012

What's going to work? Teamwork.

“What’s going to work, team work.”  A theme song made popular by Wonder Pets; if you have children you have most likely heard the team of three baby animals sing this song.  The song has been stuck in my head lately- this is why:
Last week I was asked to take over the management of another department that is struggling within the company as well as maintain my current position.  This is more risk and responsibility than I have ever been asked to handle. The owner is counting on me to fix the problems quickly and make sure the company remains profitable. I am up for the challenge.  But, not by myself. When asked how I keep up with the demands of my career and two small children I often smile and tell people that I am part of a team; the other members just aren’t as visible. Here is the roster:
 Jamie.  Jamie does the little things that add up to big things.  Most don’t know that Jamie keeps my car full of gas, runs all the errands, makes sure I have cash when I travel, is home early to take care of the boys, does the grocery shopping, is my business consultant when I need a different perspective, schedules the important appointments for the boys and makes me coffee every morning.  This is not a comprehensive list just a small sample of his role on the team.
Grandma Charlene.  My mom, Grandma Charlene is the full time nanny.  She is the cook, cleaner, chauffer, school liaison, nurse, enforcer, dog caretaker and home coordinator- especially when I am traveling for work.  When I am not there, she runs the show.  In turn, I never worry if my boys are taken care of; I am certain they are given the best care available. Besides all of those jobs she still makes time to be grandma and my mom.
Grandma Menne.  LaVonne picks up the slack. She takes care of the boys on weekends sometimes, is our seamstress, takes care of Gustie on occasion, hosts most holiday gatherings and is always there to help when extra help is needed or there is a big project to tackle.  When something needs to get done – we call in Grandma Menne. When it comes to getting things done, she is the best at kicking butt in a loving manner.
In this stage of my life I just happen to get all of the credit; but I want to remind everyone that I would not be able to accomplish what I have without my other “team” members.  If not for them there would be no “successful me”- end of story.
Team members- thank you for your help.  WE have earned this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, you did it, made my eyes misty this morning. I totally believe in team work! You should be proud of yourself, great accomplisments, congrats!