Sunday, June 10, 2012

First weekend at Lake Vermilion 2012

Riley's Pre-school Graduation

Riley will continue on to 3 day a week preschool next year.  Since his bday is in November, he started preschool at 2 1/2.

Reagan's Pre-school Graduation

Next year Reagan will be attending kindergarten at Edgewood Elementary in Prior Lake MN.

The Ranch

Memorial Weekend 2012 was spent at the popular Roberts Ranch in Bluffton MN.  This is a favorite destination for the boys (all three).  Rachel's talented son Britton Roberts (18) snapped the pictures of the boys above! 
Te'a Roberts entertained the boys all weekend with ATV rides, playing in the mud, legos- the list goes on and on... Riley asks about her often; perhaps his first girlfriend!
The R Ranch is one of those places that feels like home.  Randy & Rachel have this knack for making our family feel welcome and comfortable- I often find that when it is time to leave I wish we could stay much much longer.