Jamie and I took Reagan to Disney on Ice last Sunday. Reagan sat on Jamie's lap for 2 hours with his mouth open watching the show. It was fun for me just to watch his reaction- I guess that's what being a parent is all about...
We have a tradition of cutting down our own Christmas tree at Kruegers Christmas Tree Farm and then we go to Gertens and Jamie picks out a new Department 56 Christmas village piece.
Grandma Menne came down on Saturday and helped out. She cooked, she cleaned, she played with Reagan and helped with Riley - she even played with the dogs - she is one of kind and we are blessed to have such a wonderful mother. She truly lives up to the name "Grandma Menne".
Uncle Troy came over with his big truck - he is a driver for Upper Lakes Food. Reagan was so excited to see the "big truck"! Reagan is a typical boy; he loves tractors, trucks, cars and construction equipment or what he calls "diggers".
Reagan went trick or treating with mom and Grandma Charlene (dad was refereeing a hockey game at Hamline). He made it to most of the houses in the neighborhood and insisted on carrying his own jack-o-lantern -he was a real pro!